
Ele Spandidaki, take a look at this new hot babe!


Ele Spandidaki hot pose

Young model with hot ass Ele Spandidaki posing sexy for Vanquish magazine

Ele is a 20 year old half Greek model living in Auckland, New Zeeland. She’s a health and fitness enthusiast, studying Sports Studies and personal training at NZIs. Vanquish magazine discovered her and published some very hot photos of her!

Ele Spandidaki hot young body topless string pose half Greek beauty Ele Spandidaki-hot-3 New Zeeland model Ele Spandidaki hot-4 young model with sexy as posing for Vanquish magazine Ele Spandidaki hot legs in lingerie young model hot ass string lingerie Ele Spandidaki hotyoung body sexy string pose